Resources on Gender equality

  1. Fair recruitment

    Central American migrant women in Mexico: Informality in recruitment and employment

    18 December 2020

    This brief summarizes the current state of recruitment practices for Central American migrant women, focusing on four key sectors including agriculture, domestic work, sex work and street vending, and focuses on migrants from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, placing specific emphasis on Guatemala.

  2. Publication

    Employers have strong, independent and representative organization (Outcome 9 - 2016) - Final evaluation (Final Evaluation Summary)

    17 February 2016

    Project: GLO/14/59/NOR, GLO/14/73/SID, and RAS/14/58/NOR - Evaluation Consultant: David Irwin

  3. Publication

    Desk review of research on HIV/AIDS in the world of work

    31 July 2012

    This desk review was conducted by ILO/AIDS as part of the Inter-Agency Task Team on HIV workplace policies/programmes and private sector engagement (IATT/WPPS). It is based primarily on the research documents shared by the IATT members, covering vulnerability studies, stigma and discrimination studies, impact and cost-benefit studies.