Resources on Agriculture, plantations, and other rural sectors

  1. Improving the viability and value of inclusive insurance

  2. Rebuilding better coconut economy: Demonstrating an integrated inclusive recovery model from Super Typhoon Rai (Odette) and overlaying crises

    The ILO project funded by the Government of Japan provides strategic support and guidance to local governments targeting coconut farmers and the working-age population who are greatly affect by the Super Typhoon Odette.

  3. Supply Chains for a Sustainable Future of Work

    The project supports an inclusive and sustainable future of work in three supply chains of importance to the European Union to achieve full and productive employment and decent work.

  4. Green Works Based on Labour-Intensive Local Technologies in Burkina Faso

    Using the green works approach, this project aims to demonstrate, document, and analyse traditional soil restoration techniques and to gather the data necessary for policies and programmes at a larger and more systematic scale.

  5. Knowledge sharing and capacity building for agriculture and climate risk insurance

  6. Awareness raising and training for insurance against natural catastrophes in India

  7. Enhancing knowledge and capacity for improved agriculture insurance

  8. Enhancing the resilience of small enterprises and smallholders

  9. Increasing resilience, strengthening risk management capacity and improving livelihoods of poor rural households

  10. Sustainable supply chains to build forward better

    Advancing decent work in five global supply chains of key importance to the European Union for a fair, resilient, and sustainable COVID-19 crisis recovery