Resources on Construction sector

  1. 18th African Regional Seminar for Labour-Based Practitioners

    The theme of this edition is: "Towards sustainable and inclusive local development: local resource-based approaches and decent job creation".

  2. 17th Regional Seminar for Labour Based Practitioners

    05 March 2018

    The 17th Seminar of Labour-Based Practitioners was organized by the Government of Ethiopia in partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) on November 13 to 17, 2017 in Addis Ababa. The theme of the seminar was "Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The Employment–intensive Investment Approach”. The Seminar brought together 490 participants including policy makers, programme directors and practitioners from 27 countries across the world.

  3. Poverty Reduction though decent employment creation in Liberia - Final evaluation

    24 October 2017

  4. Pilots for Change: Zambia's Pilot Houses

    23 June 2017

    Zambia’s Pilot Houses were built to test and demonstrate ways of incorporating sustainable principles in the construction of comfortable and affordable homes.

  5. 17th ILO Regional Seminar for Labour-Based Practitioners

    The theme of this edition is: "Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The Employment–intensive Investment Approach". Participants will discuss the role and contribution of employment-intensive approaches in achieving the SDG outcomes mainly focussing on building national capacities for employment creation, expanding employment-based social protection floor and conserving the environment - including addressing climate change and its adverse effects.

  6. São Tomé and Príncipe

    08 February 2017

    Activities of the Employment Intensive Investment Programme in São Tomé and Príncipe

  7. Zambia

    08 February 2017

    Employment-Intensive Investment Programme activities in Zambia

  8. Democratic Republic of Congo

    08 February 2017

    Employment-Intensive Investment Programme activities in Democratic Republic of Congo

  9. MORE THAN BUSINESS ALONE: Extending and Promoting Social Protection amongst MSMEs and Informal Workers in Zambia’s Building Construction Industry

    04 March 2016

    The social protection component of the Zambia Green Jobs Programme aims to strengthening a social protection floor for vulnerable workers and families in the construction sector. This report is a brief outlining the approach methodology, and results obtained in terms of improving access to social protection among MSMEs and informal workers in the construction sector. The interventions contributed to the overall programme objectives of enterprise development and creation of new and decent green jobs

  10. 16th ILO Regional Seminar for Labour-Based Practitioners

    The theme of this edition is: "Labor based approaches as solutions for sustainable development challenges in the context of decentralization" Institutional and operational issues of employment intensive approaches will be addressed under the angle of strategies and resources for sustainable funding of labor-based investments targeting local communities, in terms of rational use of natural resources and local materials for labor-based works, development of alternative construction technologies, creation of green jobs and environmentally friendly economic growth, training opportunities to improve youth employability, resilience and social welfare of local communities