Resources on Agriculture, plantations, and other rural sectors

  1. Navigating hardship: Lebanon's agricultural workers in the absence of social protection

    The story of Tony Al Hazoury and his struggle for a decent life.

  2. Navigating hardship: Lebanon's agricultural workers in the absence of social protection

    No rest in old age. The story of Chawki Boustani, who is still farming at 91.

  3. Comprehensive Skills Training and Veterinary Services Elevate Lebanon's Dairy Farms for Decent Work

  4. New agricultural sector OSH guide and training launched in Lebanon

    The ILO “Occupational Safety and Health Guide in Agriculture” is set to increase OSH efficiency and boost the provision of safe workplaces to guarantee the workers’ health and the sector’s productivity

  5. Results of pilot trials on greenhouse productivity and working condition with 12 selected farmers in Akkar and the Bekaa

  6. Youth Agri Market: a launching platform for entrepreneurs in Lebanon

    Amid Lebanon’s multifaceted economic crisis, a joint collaboration between the ILO and UNICEF helped youth in the country achieve their entrepreneurial aspirations

  7. ILO training initiative brings new agricultural skills to Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley

    As Lebanon continues to reel under a multifaceted economic crisis, a competency-based training course conducted by the PROSPECTs programme gave Lebanese and Syrian trainees key skills needed to advance their career in Lebanon’s vital agricultural sector.

  8. ILO promotes productivity on Lebanon farms through modern greenhouse initiative

    The ILO is piloting an initiative to test the impact of modern greenhouses on productivity and working conditions on selected farms in Lebanon, which have been affected by the financial and economic crisis in the country.

  9. The state of horticulture in Lebanon

    This ILO PROSPECTS report summarizes results of a recently conducted baseline survey of horticulture farmers, workers and wholesalers in Lebanon’s Akkar and Baalbeck-Hermel regions. It serves as a baseline for ILO’s Approach to Inclusive Market Systems (AIMS) component that seeks to unlock opportunities for decent job opportunities in Lebanon’s horticulture sector.

  10. ILO and FAO in Lebanon, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, join forces to support vulnerable farmers through agricultural inputs voucher scheme

    The collaboration will support small-scale famers to meet their basic agricultural needs, contributing to safeguarding jobs and promoting decent employment for Lebanese host community members and Syrian refugees employed in the agricultural sector.