Resources on cooperative, social and solidarity economy

  1. Spotlight on Cooperatives

    18 November 2016

    ILO COOP started a section on its website and e-newsletter on innovative cooperative experiences from around the world that we have recently engaged with for learning and future collaboration.

  2. ILO COOP NewsUpdate, Issue No. 4

    11 October 2016

  3. Providing savings and loans services to teachers since 1972

    05 October 2016

    “Spotlight Interviews with Cooperators" is a series of interviews with cooperative leaders from around the world with whom ILO officials have crossed paths during the course of their work with cooperatives. For this issue, ILO interviewed with Mr Michael Koisen, Chief Executive Officer of Teachers Savings and Loan Society Limited (TISA) from Papua New Guinea, on occasion of My.Financial.Coop curriculum design workshop in Turin, Italy.