Resources on cooperative, social and solidarity economy

  1. A set of papers on “Financial Mechanisms for Innovative Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems” is now available from the ILO

    26 November 2021

    The social and solidarity economy (SSE) is receiving increased attention for its role in addressing a variety of economic and social challenges, ranging from the future of work to the provision of social services. The social and economic problems around the global COVID-19 pandemic have brought into focus the need to strengthen the SSE to support the recovery process, along with the public and private sector.

  2. Financial mechanisms for innovative social and solidarity economy ecosystems: The case of Ecuador

    24 November 2021

    This paper analyses the Ecuadorean SSE ecosystem, the main effects of the COVID-19 crisis and the role that the SSE may play in post-COVID-19 economic recovery efforts. The final section presents the conclusions and recommendations to support and develop the sector, focusing on the policies necessary to promote a dynamic and consolidated SSE. Based on different values compared with those of conventional systems, the SSE represents one of the most promising alternatives not only for the development of the country but also for the creation of a model that promotes greater equality.

  3. Financial Mechanisms for Innovative Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems - Executive Summary

    14 November 2019

    This report presents the results of the “Financial Mechanisms for Innovative Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems” project, designed to foster a better understanding of the different ways in which financial resources can be made available and accessed to support the growth of social and solidarity economy (SSE) organizations and their ecosystems. The project is supported by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social and Solidarity Economy of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

  4. Financial Mechanisms for Innovative Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems - Full Report

    14 November 2019

    This report presents the results of the “Financial Mechanisms for Innovative Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems” project, designed to foster a better understanding of the different ways in which financial resources can be made available and accessed to support the growth of social and solidarity economy (SSE) organizations and their ecosystems. The project is supported by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social and Solidarity Economy of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

  5. John Bliek, Enterprises Specialist at ILO Office for the Andean Countries

    18 April 2019

    COOP Champions features ILO colleagues from around the world working on cooperatives and other social and solidarity economy enterprises. It highlights their contributions, and shares highlights of their experiences, current work, and future aspirations.

  6. Towards building a coherent strategy of cooperative development in the Andean Region

    27 March 2019

    The ILO has been engaging with cooperatives and rural producers’ organizations in the Andean Region with a view to developing a coherent strategy on cooperative development for decent work in selected countries.

  7. Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 - Cooperative contributions to SDG 10

    09 August 2018

    This brief is part of the Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 series produced by the Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives (COPAC). Through a series of 17 briefs, one for each Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), COPAC hopes to raise awareness about the significant contributions of cooperative enterprises towards achieving the 2030 Agenda in a sustainable, inclusive and responsible way, and encourage continued support for their efforts. This brief in the series focuses on SDG 10 - reducing inequality within and among countries.