Resources on disability and work

  1. Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 - Cooperative contributions to SDG 4

    28 September 2018

    This brief is part of the Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 series produced by the Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives (COPAC). Through a series of 17 briefs, one for each Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), COPAC hopes to raise awareness about the significant contributions of cooperative enterprises towards achieving the 2030 Agenda in a sustainable, inclusive and responsible way, and encourage continued support for their efforts. This brief in the series focuses on SDG 4 - ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.

  2. Video: A Day in the Life of Jacqueline Minchin

    09 December 2011

    This film shows a young woman with Down’s syndrome and her daily routine at the Penglais Compehensive School, Wales, where she works. It serves as a powerful testimony for how positive work environments allow people with intellectual disabilities to contribute to the world of work.