Resources on cooperative, social and solidarity economy

  1. Providing savings and loans services to teachers since 1972

    05 October 2016

    “Spotlight Interviews with Cooperators" is a series of interviews with cooperative leaders from around the world with whom ILO officials have crossed paths during the course of their work with cooperatives. For this issue, ILO interviewed with Mr Michael Koisen, Chief Executive Officer of Teachers Savings and Loan Society Limited (TISA) from Papua New Guinea, on occasion of My.Financial.Coop curriculum design workshop in Turin, Italy.

  2. ILO COOP NewsUpdate Issue No. 1

    01 July 2016

    Newsletter COOP NEWS UPDATE HAS A NEW LOOK! The ILO Cooperatives Unit is pleased to announce new design and format of our newsletter. The newsletter will provide more regular updates on various events, projects, trainings and meetings related to the world of cooperative in general and the work of the ILO COOP Unit in particular.

  3. Resilience in a Downturn: The power of financial cooperatives

    20 March 2013

    This report reviews the performance of financial cooperatives, looking in particular at the aftermath of the 2007-2008 crisis and the continuing long austerity period. It explains why financial cooperatives have proven to be more resilient pointing to the specificities of the cooperative model of enterprise.

  4. Financial Education - Cambodia - Trainer’s manual

    01 January 2008

    This guide primarily targets women, who usually manage household money in Cambodia. The training makes them more informed and empowered financial decision-makers, able to set financial targets and reach them. This helps them to improve their living conditions, send their children to school and enjoy rewarding lives.

  5. Social Finance Working Paper #9: Monitoring guidelines for semi-formal financial institutions active in small enterprise finance

    01 April 1995