Resources on cooperative, social and solidarity economy

  1. Amaal Bani Awwad, National Project Coordinator at ILO Jordan

    21 April 2021

    COOP Champions features ILO colleagues from around the world working on cooperatives and other social and solidarity economy enterprises. It highlights their contributions, and shares highlights of their experiences, current work, and future aspirations.

  2. Cooperatives help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals - SDG2

    07 October 2020

    As part of the ILO COOP 100 photo exhibitions, the ILO is featuring the contributions of cooperatives and the wider social and solidarity economy (SSE) toward advancing decent work and sustainable development. This series of photos feature the contribution of cooperatives and the wider SSE in helping achieve the SDGs.

  3. ILO COOP NewsUpdate, Issue No. 5

    17 November 2016

  4. Cooperatives promoting inclusive rural-urban linkages – COPAC side event, Committee on World Food Security

    14 November 2016

  5. ILO says cooperatives key to boosting food production

    16 October 2012

    Agricultural cooperatives – the theme of the 2012 World Food Day – are a vehicle for decent lives and decent work, according to ILO Director-General Guy Ryder.

  6. Managing your Agricultural Cooperative - My.Coop. First official online Training of Trainers course

    This on-line training will give you additional pedagogical guidelines and advice on how to structure and how to facilitate the My.Coop contents from the general My.Coop training package. After successful completion of this course you will be trained on how to use the My.Coop training package in your own context.