Resources on indigenous and tribal peoples

  1. United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues – Mission report from Paraguay

    31 August 2009

    This report, undertaken under the mandate of the United Nations Permanent Forum and at the request of the Government of Paraguay, concludes that a system of forced labour exists in the Chaco region, along with grave violations of international instruments supported or ratified by Paraguay.

  2. Forced labour, discrimination and poverty reduction among indigenous peoples in Bolivia, Peru and Paraguay

    27 February 2008

    Recent ILO research indicates that forced labour affects at least 1.3 million people in Latin America. In-depth field research in the rural areas of Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru, has confirmed earlier perceptions that indigenous people are particularly vulnerable to a form of forced labour called debt bondage.

  3. Bonded labour in Paraguay

    03 January 2005

    (Only available in Spanish) A través del presente informe, la OIT pretende dar respuesta a la petición del Gobierno de Paraguay de establecer de manera objetiva los hechos relativos al trabajo forzoso y la discriminación que sufren los indígenas en el Chaco paraguayo. Este tipo de trabajo forzoso, es a menudo una manifestación de un patrón más amplio de discriminación hacia los indígenas. Es importante señalar, que el trabajo forzoso existe en una minoría de las haciendas del Chaco.