Resources on cooperative, social and solidarity economy

  1. ILO contributes to the Tanzanian cooperative development policy review

    27 September 2019

    The ILO provides inputs to the review of the cooperative development policy in Tanzania towards creating enabling environment for cooperatives as autonomous, member-owned, and democratically-controlled enterprises.

  2. ILO Statement for the 2nd International Forum on Cooperative Law

    26 September 2018

    ILO Cooperatives Unit Manager Simel Esim sent a video message to the 2nd International Forum on Cooperative Law in Athens, Greece.

  3. ILO supports the revision of the half-century old cooperative bill in Ghana

    10 May 2018

    The ILO is supporting the revision of the cooperative bill established in 1968 in Ghana.

  4. The Story of the ILO’s Promotion of Cooperatives Recommendation, 2002 (No.193) A review of the process of making ILO Recommendation No. 193, its implementation and its impact

    27 May 2015

    This publication highlights how the Recommendation No. 193 is being used, and its impact on the laws, policies and practices of countries. The publication also provides a brief account of the ILO’s engagement with cooperative development.

  5. Economic and other benefits of the entreprenuers’ cooperative as a specific form of enterprise cluster

    03 January 2011

    This book presents entrepreneurs’ cooperatives - cooperatives formed by groups of entrepreneurs, independently owned businesses, tradesmen, professionals, or by municipalities and other public bodies. It shows that cooperatives have helped small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in many countries to become and remain competitive. Although this form of business clustering is not wide spread, there are signs that its development and entrepreneurship effects are gradually being considered. This study analyses the set up and the economic, social and employment benefits of entrepreneurs‘ cooperatives as well as the reasons why their use has not spread. It further indicates those features which allow for replication of the model elsewhere and concludes with a number of recommendations.