Resources on Care Economy

  1. Employment Working Group

    Reducing inequality, ensuring appropriate wages and care economy

    02 March 2023

    This presentation held at the 1st meeting of the Employment Working Group under the presidency of Japan provides an analysis and policy suggestions for reduced inequality and appropriate wages in the care economy.

  2. Document

    Family-friendly policies for workers in the informal economy

    08 July 2021

    Protecting and ensuring social protection and care systems for all children and families in the context of COVID-19 and beyond

  3. Document

    Care Provision through Cooperatives and the wider social and solidarity economy (SSE)

    01 January 2018

    Today, care is provided in myriad forms, from childcare and eldercare to care for persons living with a disability or illness. The need for care is growing worldwide, driven by demographic shifts including the growing ageing population and the rising number of persons living with chronic illnesses. As people-centred, principle driven, member-owned businesses, cooperatives are emerging as an innovative type of care provider, particularly in the absence of viable public or other private options.