Resources on Gender equality

  1. Publication

    Disability Inclusion in EIIP Stocktaking and way forward

    20 October 2022

    This report assesses and provides recommendations on disability inclusion for the ILO’s Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP). It examines important challenges and good practices along the project cycle, calling attention to intersectional challenges approaches that safeguard the inclusion of persons with disabilities as workers.

  2. Report

    The impact of HIV on care work and the care workforce

    10 December 2019

    This publication provides an overview of the gaps and challenges in six sub-Saharan African countries (Liberia, Namibia, South Africa, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania and Zambia). By providing a picture of front-line prevention and treatment policies, this working paper assesses the socio-economic consequences of low antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage as well as the key role of the health workforce in international testing and treatment targets (90-90-90). The impact of HIV on caregivers’ working status and their employment opportunities is also reviewed through an empirical analysis.

  3. EIIP Policy Brief

    Tanzania: Gender-responsive public works as a key building block of social protection for all

    06 March 2019

  4. Our impact, their voices

    “Today, I own my business and I know how to protect myself from HIV infection”

    23 July 2018

    An ILO project in Tanzania helps women to become financially independent while at the same time provides them with training on HIV prevention.

  5. A cooperative 2030 series

    Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 - Cooperative contributions to SDG 5

    08 March 2018

    This brief is part of the Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 series produced by the Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives (COPAC). Through a series of 17 briefs, one for each Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), COPAC hopes to raise awareness about the significant contributions of cooperative enterprises towards achieving the 2030 Agenda in a sustainable, inclusive and responsible way, and encourage continued support for their efforts. This brief in the series focuses on SDG 5 – achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls.

  6. Good Practice

    Improving labour law compliance in the United Republic of Tanzania - Final Evaluation

    24 October 2017

  7. Publication

    Small and medium enterprises’ response to HIV and AIDS

    14 July 2016

    This brief is intended for SMEs and a wide range of stakeholders who work with SMEs with a view to strengthening their response to HIV and AIDS.

  8. Publication

    Educated Empowered Inspired - Transforming lives through the response to HIV and AIDS in East and Southern Africa

    16 March 2016

    Poverty, gender inequality and social exclusion continue to pose major challenges to HIV prevention efforts. Between 2011 and 2016, the ILO, in partnership with Sida, implemented an innovative economic empowerment programme amongst hard-to -reach populations in transport corridors and vulnerable communities in Southern and East Africa, with the aim of reducing their vulnerability to the HIV epidemic. This publication presents the outcomes of this innovative approach and the effects it had on its beneficiaries.

  9. Publication

    COOP news update

    29 May 2015

    This issue of the COOP News includes articles on various events, projects, trainings and meetings related to the work of the ILO's COOP Unit between June and October, 2015.

  10. Publication

    Desk review of research on HIV/AIDS in the world of work

    31 July 2012

    This desk review was conducted by ILO/AIDS as part of the Inter-Agency Task Team on HIV workplace policies/programmes and private sector engagement (IATT/WPPS). It is based primarily on the research documents shared by the IATT members, covering vulnerability studies, stigma and discrimination studies, impact and cost-benefit studies.