Regional meeting on "Women in Mining: women for a more inclusive mining future in Africa"

The ILO Regional Office for Africa (ROAF) and the Sectoral Policies Department (SECTOR) are jointly organizing a regional meeting on “Women in Mining: women for a more inclusive mining future in Africa”, in Dakar, Senegal, from 17 to 19 July 2023. The meeting aims to generate consensus and support for concrete actions to promote gender equality and decent work for women, and address the challenges they face in large and small-scale mining in Africa.

Over the three days of the meeting, representatives of governments, workers and employers from 10 countries (Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Mauritania, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe) are encouraged to actively take part in group discussions and share their knowledge and experiences to deliver a future of work that achieves social justice for women in the mining sector.

Inspired by the Africa Mining Vision and the ILO Abidjan Declaration, topics such as the need for better gender-disaggregated, adequate legal frameworks to address gender inequality, investments and building of local content, development and forecasting of skills, as well as improved occupational safety and health standards and working conditions will be discussed, among others.

Meeting report - Building blocks
News mentioning the meeting