Employment and decent work in the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus


Instructional material | 01 September 2021
In a world of multiple crises, conflict and violence interact with the conditions created by additional stress such as climate change, that give rise to fragility, and the increasing frequency and intensity of disasters. This in turn can create more grievances, with limited opportunities, also leading at times to more violence and conflicts. Social justice and decent work are key to long-lasting peace and stability. Since 1919 and its foundation, the ILO has continued to prove its raison d’être posed by the challenges of war, conflict, terrorism and violence through its advocacy in the promotion of social justice through the world of work.

Building on the previous versions, this thoroughly revised guide reiterates the central role and capacity of the ILO in situations of fragility, conflict and disaster and specifically in the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus. It introduces key concepts and definitions characterizing situations of this kind, providing practical instructions and guidance, and outlines multidisciplinary approaches to recovering, creating and protecting decent work opportunities in these settings.

The guide is based on practical experience and good practices derived from ILO interventions. It presents what the ILO has to offer in these contexts and provides guidance for engaging in country level response. The document also contains a wide array of case studies illustrating past ILO interventions, and accompanies the user through each stage of the crisis response.